Guaranteed profit

New sources of revenue for broadcasters and advertisers.


TV advertising right in the thick of the action, “zapping” free.


State-of-the-art, easy-to-use equipment and software.

Turnkey services

One agency for creating, for putting together the strategy, the media and the implementation.

Magic Ads is the first Agency in Romania that specializes in virtual advertising and virtual product placement within live or recorded TV programs and within movies.

Through digital image processing the following elements can be inserted within a TV/movie frame, in real time or in post-production: logos, banners, 3D graphics and animations. In television, virtual advertising is an unconventional promoting and communicating technique and represents the alternative to common TV commercials.

If you are a TV station, the owner of the rights of a TV show or a movie producer, please contact us in order to find out how we can help you earn new revenue. And if you are an advertising agency or company which is promoting its brands on its own, we are offering you the solution for the next level – virtual advertising and product placement.